resilient & inclusive public transport

© Ulflarsen


Oslo Urban Living Lab

The Living Lab of the Oslo city region focuses on the integration of different mobility solutions, built environment and current strategies on densification into a cohesive strategy for designing inclusive transit-oriented nodes. The current situation, whereby public transport nodes are being developed without a structured focus on inclusivity, within the Oslo region, results in a system where the residents of the city region have adhoc gains or losses depending on their residential areas. This is partly due to the fact that the different areas have markedly different levels of inter-modal integration, integration with the built environment, design solutions and demographic constitution. Therefore, Oslo ULL will explore ways to integrate micro-mobility, shared mobility services, innovative mobility solutions into public transport, along with a focus on needs assessment of different demographic groups, design solutions, and the existing differences between central and peripheral areas in the city region. As part of the Living Lab, we will investigate the potential of demographically and geographically diverse locations for creating inclusive TOD, both at the functional and spatial levels. We will work together with a wide array of stakeholders, mobility-providers and citizens, together with the CARIN-PT team, to find locally-responsive and resilient ways to create inclusive TOD design and strategies in the Oslo city region.