CarinPT at CMUS Conference
On August 22st and 23nd, the CarinPT team was present in Aalborg, Denmark, to present and discuss findings from the project activities at the Conference ‘Mobilities Controversies – Place, Justice, Democracy’ of the Center for Mobilities and Urban Studies (C-MUS). In these challenging times, the conference aimed to explore contemporary mobilities as ‘matter of concern’ […]
Tule osalema: Lagedi liikuvuse eksperiment
Kas Lagedil on võimalik elada autovabamat elu? Millistel tingimustel oleks autovabam elu võimalik? Millised erinevaid liikumisviise saaksid oma igapäevaelus kasutada? Kutsume Sind osalema Lagedi liikuvuse eksperimendis, mille eesmärk on müksata Lagedi kogukonda liikuma rohkem aktiivselt ja ühistranspordiga. Tule osalema üksinda, kaaslasega, sõpradega või kogu perega. Miks peaksid Sina eksperimendis osalema? Eksperimendis osalemisega saad katsetada erinevaid […]
CO-CREATE Symposium at Tallinn University, 29 April to 01 May 2024
The CO-CREATE Symposium is a Symposium on Collaborative and Creative Research and Planning Practices for Inclusive and Resilient City Regions in Europe. Over three days, we will create a platform for sharing best practices, experiences and challenges in collaborative and creative research and planning for more inclusive, resilient and equitable urban regions. Programme Monday, 29 April […]
CO-CREATE in Tallinn – Call to submit your proposal
We warmly invite scholars from humanities and social sciences, urban planners, activists, artists, and practitioners to join us for the CO-CREATE Symposium. Over three days, we will create a platform for sharing best practices, experiences and challenges in collaborative and creative research and planning for more inclusive, resilient and equitable urban regions. The symposium aims […]
The role of Living Labs in participatory transport planning
Reflections from our sessions at the 2023 RGS-IBG Conference The RGS-IBG Conference is an annual highlight for many members of the CARIN-PT project. This year, four of our members (Tauri Tuvikene, Freke Caset, Fitwi Wolday and Tanu Priya Uteng) teamed up and organised a double session on ‘Citizen participation and transport planning’, in which a […]
Flanders Urban Living Lab expert meeting: Exploring the Future of User-centered Public Transport
In a workshop held on June 13th, the Flanders Carin-PT team, in collaboration with key partners, embarked on a journey to shape the Flanders Urban Living Labs.
On DRT, TOD, Micro-Mobility and Transport Pricing: Best Practices and Concerns from Tallinn and Beyond
On 27 April 2023 the event “Integrated Public Transport in Urban Regions” took place in Tallinn. The afternoon was dedicated to deepening the four central topics of the CARIN-PT project (demand-responsive transport (DRT); transport-oriented development (TOD); micro-mobility; transport pricing) and discussing them with local and international experts. In short presentations, the project partners from Belgium, […]
Event in Tallinn: Integrated Public Transport in City Regions

Join and discuss multimodal mobility in the Tallinn city region and be inspired by international best practices from Belgium, Norway and Sweden. Location: Kultuurikatel (Stalker hall), Põhja pst 27a (location guide, entrance A) Time: 9:00 – 16:30 Programme of the day The schedule is subject to change. We are making updates as we plan the specifics […]
On-demand mobility in Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain and Estonia: Key challenges for integrated, efficient and sustainable on-demand systems
On-demand mobility is one of the central themes of the CARIN-PT project with its interest in integrated and just public transport (PT). To initiate cross-Europe discussion on the topic and inspire Estonian practitioners, we brought together researchers and practitioners from different corners of Europe for an online workshop on on-demand transport in January 2023. The […]
CFP RGS-IBG 2023: Citizen participation and transport planning
CFP: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference in London (29 August to 1 September 2023) Citizen participation and transport planning: exploring the potential of urban living labs Session organisers: Tauri Tuvikene (Tallinn University), Freke Caset (Ghent University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Fitwi Wolday (Institute of Transport Economics – TØI) The field of transport planning has generally lacked […]