resilient & inclusive public transport

K2 Research Seminar: Do basic provisions meet inhabitants’ accessibility needs?

8 December 2022 | CET 13:00-15:00 | Hybrid

On the 8th of December, CARIN-PT researchers Chiara Vitrano and Jean Ryan will present and discuss a draft paper from the K2 project “Do basic provisions meet inhabitants’ accessibility needs? (BAS)”. Karel Martens, member of CARIN-PT Scientific Advisory Board and co-author of the paper, will give a presentation of his ongoing studies on basic accessibility. You can find a detailed agenda below. If you wish to receive a link to participate, please send an email to
Part I (13:00-14:00)
Should standards for basic accessibility be universal?
Karel Martens (Technion)
Part 2 (14:00-15:00)
Draft paper presentation and discussion:
Do basic provisions meet inhabitants’ accessibility needs? The case of Västra Götaland
Authors: Chiara Vitrano (VTI), Magnus Andersson (MAU), Karel Martens (Technion), Jean Ryan (LU)
Discussant: Jessica Berg (VTI)

After each presentation there will be time for questions and comments.