Integrated Public Transport in City Regions:
CARIN-PT Event 27 April 2023 in Tallinn
Join and discuss multimodal mobility in the Tallinn city region and be inspired by international best practices from Belgium, Norway and Sweden.
Location: Kultuurikatel (Stalker hall), Põhja pst 27a (location guide, entrance A)
Time: 9:00 – 16:30
Register here
Programme of the day
The schedule is subject to change. We are making updates as we plan the specifics of the event.
08:30 Registration and morning coffee
09:00 Welcome
Tauri Tuvikene, Tallinn University, CARIN-PT Project Coordinator
Vladimir Svet, The City of Tallinn, Vice-Mayor
09:15 Tallinn Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan 2035: From Idea to Implementation
Liivar Luts, City of Tallinn
How is Tallinn’s mobility in 2035? What goals have we set by then? This presentation offers a comprehensive overview of the preparation process of the Tallinn SUMP, envisaged steps and commonly agreed strategic tasks to be achieved by the 2035.
09:35 Role of Public Transport Stops in Changing Mobility Environments (PeatusKOHT)
Kristi Grišakov, Ministry of Finance
The presentation gives an overview of the process and key results of the study of public transportation stops in Harjumaa, Estonia. The study took a user-centred focus, integrating both big data analysis as well as fieldwork and user survey. The resulting New Modal handbook aids space makers to prioritise interventions in stops and use the insights from users for monitoring and improving the stops.
09:55 Keynote: A Transport Justice Perspective on Fare-Free Public Transport
Prof. Karel Martens, Fair Transport Lab, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning Technion Israel Institute of Technology
The number of cities and towns opting for fare-free public transport is increasing in Europe. Typically, its introduction is the result of pragmatic considerations. Likewise, the assessment of the ‘success’ of fare-free schemes tends to be based on a limited set of criteria, such as ridership, modal shift, equity (however defined), or cost reduction. In this presentation, I will start by presenting a systematic perspective on justice in the domain of transport – across all modes. I will then draw implications for the pricing of transport, before reflecting on (the lack of) justifications for fare-free public transport.
10:40 Coffee break
11:00 Exploring mobility challenges in Tallinn: interactive workshop in the city
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Discussion round: Findings from the interactive workshop
14:30 CARIN-PT Project Teams: Insights from international case studies on multimodal and integrated public transport
14:50 Coffee Break
15:05 CARIN-PT round-tables on project themes:
- Flexible & On-Demand Public Transport (Marjolein Hantson, Flanders, Belgium)
- Micro-mobility (Chiara Vitrano, Stockholm, Sweden)
- Transit-Oriented Development (Tanu Priya Uteng, Oslo, Norway)
- Fares and Fairness (Õnne Kask, Tallinn, Estonia)
16:00 Closing discussion and remarks
16:30 Drinks
Register here
Prof. Karel Martens, Fair Transport Lab, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning Technion Israel Institute of Technology
Karel Martens is Professor of Transport Planning at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel) and the head of the Fair Transport Lab. He holds a bachelor and master degree in Spatial Planning (1986; 1991) and a PhD in Policy Sciences (2000), all from Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands). He is an international expert on transport and justice. He has authored numerous publications on the topic, culminating in his book Transport Justice: Designing Fair Transportation Systems. His work has resonated in the research community as well as in practice.

Kristi Grišakov, Head of Policy and Analysis at the Spatial Planning Department of Estonian Ministry of Finance
Kristi Grišakov is an urban planner and researcher. She is currently leading the Policy and Analysis Division of the Spatial Planning Department in Estonian Ministry of Finance. Kristi has 15 years experience in academic research in both Finland and Estonia and has studied urban planning and urban culture in Netherlands, UK and Belgium. She is an expert in future thinking methods, most notably she has edited the future living environment chapter of the last Estonian Human Development Reports. She has contributed or lead over dozen urban planning, mobility, and scenario projects internationally in the past 5 years.

Liivar Luts, Project manager, Tallinn City Transport Department
More than 10 years of experience in various urban mobility related projects and initiatives, such as smart parking, AI in traffic management, Fin-Est cooperation, etc. Actively involved in preparation process of the Tallinn Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP). Worked with larger scale infrastructure projects, for example Tallinn-Helsinki undersea railway tunnel and Rail Baltica railway.

The event is additionally supported by the Cities, Work and Digital Platforms project.