resilient & inclusive public transport

© Wojciech Kębłowski

CarinPT at CMUS Conference

On August 22st and 23nd, the CarinPT team was present in Aalborg, Denmark, to present and discuss findings from the project activities at the Conference

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Tule osalema: Lagedi liikuvuse eksperiment

Kas Lagedil on võimalik elada autovabamat elu? Millistel tingimustel oleks autovabam elu võimalik? Millised erinevaid liikumisviise saaksid oma igapäevaelus kasutada? Kutsume Sind osalema Lagedi liikuvuse

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CARIN-PT Kick-off in Brussels

On the 19th of April, the project partners met in Brussels to launch the Carin-PT. The next 3 years, researchers from Sweden, Estonia, Norway and Belgium will collaborate on capacity building on the subject of public transport in relation to the built environment. 

The partners aim to produce understandings on the organisational, political and social aspects of public transport. In co-creation with stakeholders, civil servants and citizens, the research will look at different forms of mobility (traditional and flexible public transport, fares and ticketing, integration of micro-mobility services) to develop practical working solutions for both policy and transport […]

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© Wojciech Kębłowski

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